Publications from within the research team
Bosch, Mineke. “Looking at Laboratory Life, Writing a Scientific Persona: Marianne van Herwerden’s travel letters from the United States, 1920. L´homme. European Journal of Feminist History, 2018.
Bosch, Mineke, " Scholarly Personae and Twentieth Century Historians. Explorations of a Concept". BMGN - Low Counties Historical Review. Vol 131-4, 2016
Bosch, Mineke. “Persona and the performance of identity. Parallel Developments in the Biographical Historiography of Science and Gender, and the Related Uses of Self Narrative,” L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 24 no.2 (2013): 11-22.
Cabanel, Anna, "La fabrique d’une persona scientifique au féminin. The International Federation of University Women. Années 1920-années 1960", unpublished PhD thesis, Universities of Leuven and Groningen, 2019.
Cabanel, Anna, “How excellent … for a woman? The fellowship program of the International Federation of University Women in the interwar period”, Persona Studies 2018(4):1, 82-102.
Cabanel, Anna, "Être, se représenter, se dire. Lettres d’étudiantes norvégiennes dans une nation en construction (fin XIXe – première moitié du XXe siècle)", Genre & Histoire [En ligne], 18 | Automne 2016, mis en ligne le 01 janvier 2017, consulté le 20 juin 2017. URL :
Cabanel, Anna, "A la périphérie d'une société et de l'Europe : les premières femmes universitaires en Norvège", ​in Revue d'Histoire Nordique, n°20, 2016.
Huistra, Pieter - Wils,Kaat, "Fit to Travel. The Exchange Program of the Belgian American Educational Foundation. An Institutional Perspective on Scientific Persona formation (1920-1940). BMGN - Low Counties Historical Review. Vol 131-4, 2016
Niskanen Kirsti - Wisselgren Per, Humanvetenskaplig internationalisering (”Internationalising the Swedish Human Sciences in Theory and Practice, 1920-1970. An Introduction”, Lychnos 2018 (co-edited theme issue, with an English summary).
Niskanen, Kirsti, ”Möjlighetsstrukturer och excellens. Rockefeller Foundations stöd till internationalisering av svensk samhällsvetenskaplig forskning under 1920-1950-talen” ( ”Opportunity structures and excellence. Rockefeller Foundation´s support for internalization of Swedish social science research between the 1920s and the 1950s”), Lychnos 2018 (with an English summary).
Niskanen, Kirsti - Bosch, Mineke - Wils,Kaat, Introduction: Scientific personas in theory and practice – ways of creating scientific, scholarly and artistic identities; Persona Studies 2018 (4):1, 1-5.
Niskanen, Kirsti, "Snille efterfrågas! Rockefeller Foundation, forskarpersona och kön vid Stockholms högskola mellan 1920- och 50-talen" ["Genius Minds Are Requested! The Rockefeller Foundation, Scientific Persona and Gender at Stockholm University College, 1920s to 1950s", with an English summary], Scandia 2017 (2), 11-40.
Niskanen, Kirsti, "”Som ´en virvel i den moderna strömmen´. Den svenska nationalekonomen Karin Kocks (avvisade) forskapersona”, in Nordberg, Kari H. − Roll-Hansen, Hege − Sandmo, Erling – Sandvik, Hilde, Myndighet och meborgarskap¸Oslo: Novus forlag, 2015
Persona Studies, Vol. 4, issue 1 (2018): Special issue: Scientific Persona (guest editors: Kirsti Niskanen, Mineke Bosch and Kaat Wils),
Rasmussen, Anne, Wils, Kaat, “Sociology in a transnational perspective: Brussels, 1890-1925,” Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 90 no.4 (2012): 1273-1296.
Svanfeldt Winter, Lisa, “Making a folklorist's persona on the field. How defining the object of study defines the scholar”, Persona Studies 2018, Persona Studies 2018 (4), 18-31.
Svanfeldt Winter, Lisa, Where Scholars are Made: Gendered Arenas of Persona Formation in Finnish Folkloristics, 1918–1932,
Van de Wal, Rozemarijn, “Constructing the persona of a Professional Historian. On Eileen Power’s early career persona formation and her year in Paris, 1910-1911”, Persona Studies 2018(4), 32-44.
Wils, Kaat, “Chapter 8. The revelation of a modern saint: Marie Curie’s scientific ascethicism and the culture of professionalized science.” in Beyond pleasure: cultures of modern asceticism, ed. Evert Peters, Leen van Mollen, Kaat Wils. New York: Berhahn Books, 2011.
Upcoming publications
Niskanen, Kirsti & Michael J. Barany (eds), Gender, Embodiment, and the History of the Scholarly Persona - Incarnations and Contestations, Palgrave Mcmillan, 2020 - in print.
A collection based on presenations at the conference "Scientific persona and its incarnations - forms and functions of scientific and scholarly identity formation" (Stockholm 23-24 November 2018).
Cabanel, Anna, "A Woman in a ‘Man Made World’: Erzsebet Kol (1897-1980)", in in Niskanen, Kirsti –Barany, Michael J. (eds) 2019, Gender, Embodiment, and the History of the Scholarly Persona (in print).
Niskanen, Kirsti, ”The Scholarly Persona Embodied – seclusion, love, academic battles and international contacts in the shaping of a career in philosophy”, in Niskanen, Kirsti –Barany, Michael J. (eds) 2019, Gender, Embodiment, and the History of the Scholarly Persona (in print).
Wils, Kaat and Pieter Huistra, "Scholarly persona formation and cultural diplomacy. Female graduate students travelling between Belgium and the United States", in in Niskanen, Kirsti –Barany, Michael J. (eds) 2019, Gender, Embodiment, and the History of the Scholarly Persona (in print).
Further readings
Cubitt, Geoffrey - Warren, Allen (eds). Heroic Reputations and Exemplary Lives.
Manchester and New York, 2000.
Dahlberg, Julia, “When Artists Became Intellectuals. Science as a Significant Other for the Female Artistic Persona”, Persona Studies 2018 (4):1, 60-73.
Erman, Sarah, “A teacher, a scientist, a wife: the complex self of Joséphine Schouteden-Wéry (1879-1954,
Persona Studies 2018 (1):4, 74-87.
Goffman, Erwin. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Garden City, 1959.
Haynes, D Roslynn. From Faust to Strangelove. Representations of the Scientist in Western Literature. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Hoegaerts, Josephine, “Chewing Demosthenes’ Pebbles: Embodied Experience Making the Scientist’s Persona, ca.1830-1910”, Persona Studies 2018 (4):1, 6-17.
Jordanova, Ludmilla, Defining Features: Scientific and Medical Portraits 1660-2000. London: Rekreation Books, 2000.
Paul, Herman. “The Scholarly Self. Ideas of Intellectual virtue in Nineteenth-Century Leiden.” in The Making of the Humanities volume 2: From Early Modern to Modern Disciplines. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012.
Rubens, Amy, “Enacting Self and Scientific Personae: Models for Women Health Professionals in Dr. S. Josephine Baker’s Fighting for Life”, Persona Studies 2018 (4):1, 74-87.
Science in Context had a special issue in 2003 about the concept of persona, edited by Loraine Daston and Otto Sibum.
Wesseling, Elisabeth. “Judith Rich Harris: The Miss Marple of Developmental Pshchology,” Science in Context 17 no.3 (September 2004): 293-314.
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 131 (4), 2016: Apecial issue on Scholarly/Scientific